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Mark McGwire Bat Barrel Auto and collection tour
Mark McGwire Card Collection
Opened Mark McGwire rookie card and others. #topps #tradingcards
BAT BARREL!!! 2 Box Perosnal Mixer For Peter M
Phil Ozersky who caught McGwire's 70th HR ball, didn't give it back and made millions because of it.
Hitting with BABE RUTH & HONUS WAGNER's 40-ounce Wood Bats
My 40th Birthday Jose Canseco Mailday Reveal! Bat Barrel, Red Crusade and More!
Sick BASH BROTHERS Dual Auto Patch National Treasures Custom
Dirty Dozen PC showcase Barry Bonds...
Top 10 Most Expensive Mike Piazza Baseball Cards Sold on Ebay (March - May 2018)
AUTOGRAPHED GAME USED BAT "Grimbo944" Mailday for the YouTube PC!
Bo Jackson’s First At Bat was Epic